In the following we would like to give you some helpful tips and hints how you can apply for a job at Krüger & Gothe GmbH.
What is required for an application?
General cover letter:
Here are some points that are particularly important to us.
Sender, contact details, e-mail address, telephone number, interest in the job, particular strengths and experience, earliest possible starting date, salary requirements if applicable
Please create a curriculum vitae in table form. Which data are particularly relevant?
Personal data, school and professional stations, professional experience, gaps in the chronology should be explained.
Attachments (copies):
Diplomas, vocational certificates, certificates of qualification. Please limit yourself to the essential evidence that may be of great importance for your application.
We would be happy about a picture, because it gives your application a face.
You can send us your documents by post or even better by e-mail. We have our own e-mail address (, which is regularly checked by us for applications received. Delivery by e-mail is more cost-effective for you and can be processed by us more easily. When applying by e-mail, please attach the documents in PDF format.
What happens next?
We will examine your application carefully. Even though we try to respond at short notice, it may take several weeks before you receive a reply from us. During this time you are welcome to visit our Secretaryariat inquire about the status of the processing.
Job interview:
We will invite you for an interview. During this interview we can get a picture of each other. If the outcome is positive, we and many applicants take advantage of the opportunity of a free trial work. Within these 1-2 days we can get to know each other even better. If everything has gone to our mutual satisfaction, we will make you a fair job offer.
Later adjustment is not excluded:
If no potential employment is possible at the moment, but we see a realistic chance for a later employment, we offer you the possibility to add you to our application database. We would then contact you in case of a later need.
If we do not see a possibility to hire you immediately or in the medium term, we will inform you about it.
On request, we will return your application documents sent to you by post.